Subsidized Housing

Consulting, Compliance
& Training Services

HUD Training
Compliance Services


Paulhus and Associates is a national leader in Housing and Urban Development (HUD) services. We provide consulting, compliance, and training services to over 400 properties nationwide, including project-based multifamily properties, namely Section 8 properties, 202/8 properties, 202 PACs, PRAC 811,  PRAC 202, and LIHTC. Through our work, we ensure our clients’ success in complying with HUD requirements and guidelines.

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HUD Training
Compliance Services
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Multi-Family Consulting & Support

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HOTMA Implementation Cheat Sheet

Paulhus & Associates has put together a cheat sheet to help you navigate HOTMA updates: We know how confusing HOTMA is and all the moving parts. To support a highlevel overview of what needs to be implemented, and what forms and policies need to be updated to support those implementations, the link here will take you to a comprehensive cheat sheet for a quick reference.  

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HUD Issues Notice 5 – Year Section 202 PRAC Renewals

HUD: Updated PRAC Renewals PRAC Contracts Extending from 1 to 5 – Year Terms HUD’s Office of Multifamily Housing Programs published a Notice that they will be increasing the standard Section 202 Project Rental Assistance Contracts (PRAC) renewal term to five-years from the one-year terms authorized in the past. This change will enable a more efficient annual funding process and reduce paperwork burdens for both owners and HUD. All owners and management agents with a PRAC contract – both Section 202 and Section 811 -- should review the Notice...

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Feedback From Our Customers

“Not being part of a big corporate housing property, we are a small staff. It is difficult to do everything and know everything.

Having the partnership with Paulhus has been a great benefit. Having others to help make the recertification decisions, HAP vouchering and processing of applications, allows me to better focus on the day-to-day operations.”

Elisabeth, Executive Director – Kiwanis Manor of Tiffin

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