$550: 3 2-hour sessions
Tuesday – Thursday
12/05 – 12/07 (1pm – 3pm)
Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act of 2016 – HUD
HUD finalized HOTMA rulemaking in 2023, putting multifamily housing-relevant Sections 102 and 104 into effect through revisions to HUD regulations in 24 CRF Parts 5 and 891:
- Section 102 addresses income reviews (including frequency of reviews) and revises the definitions of income and assets.
- Section 104 sets asset limits for both Section 8 Project-Based Rental Assistance and Section 202/8 programs.
These updates change everything from how to use EIV, family vs. household definitions, AR/IR certification policies, and income and asset limits and calculations.
Our training breaks down policy and procedure updates into sessions that are easy to understand and ensure information is retained by participants!
- Class 1 (12/05): Overview of changes, including: family vs. household, foster children/adults, new policies, hardships, and deadlines.
- Class 2 (12/06): Annual and Interim Certification changes, EIV changes, 9887/9887-A revocation of consent, verification hierarchy, and verification of SSN.
- Class 3 (12/07): Income and asset changes (including calculation worksheets and examples).
This is a 3-day course, two hours per day (1pm to 3pm Eastern), and includes all course documentation, exams, and certification certificates.